NBT organizes certificate course in book publishing in Hyderabad


National Book Trust (NBT), India, recently organized a job oriented Certificate Course in Book Publishing, in association with Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad from October 4-11, 2017.

NBT, India is an Indian publishing house, founded in 1957 as an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education of the Government of India. NBT now functions under aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. While, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is a Central University established at National Level in 1998 t to promote and develop the Urdu language and to impart vocational and technical Education in Urdu medium through conventional and distance modes.

According to Narender Kumar, training officer of this course in book publishing, topics of vital importance and techniques are introduced in these courses to participants who want to publish books or start a book publishing company or work in any discipline of publishing trade, organized in different parts of the country. The course provides an intensive introduction to all aspects of book, magazine and digital publishing. The training courses are aimed primarily at recent college graduates but other applicants are not discouraged. Many students have worked in publishing houses briefly and would like to broaden their understanding of the field or have decided to make a career change from an unrelated field.

The Book Publishing Certificate Course has been developed to meet high academic standards, ensuring that as a candidate one can utilize with pride the Book Publishing Training Course Certificate which one earns from the National Book Trust and the participating organization in collaboration with whom these courses are organized. This aim is achieved with the help of faculty drawn from experienced people who have spent their lifetime in the respective fields of the book publishing process.

–G S Jolly (With inputs from NBT)

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