Nielsen Book Research India: News and Insides-Q1 2017
Nielsen BookScan has measured volume sales of 3.97m units and value sales of INR 1.25bn in Q2 2017.
The market in Q2 2017 has grown both by volume and value when comparing with Q2 2016. Volume sales have grown by 2.2% and value by 1.5%. The ASP (Average Selling Price) is marginally down, where the ASP was INR 315 in Q2 2017 compared to INR 317 in Q2 2016.
Adult Fiction genre has grown 11% by volume and 9% by value when comparing Q2 2017 Vs. Q2 2016. The ASP has remained flat comparing the same period, where the ASP was INR 264 in Q2 2017 compared to INR 267 in Q2 2016.
Adult Non-Fiction Specialist genre has declined, where the market has decreased 21% by volume and 20% by value when comparing Q2 2017 Vs. Q2 2016. Here the ASP’s has increased by 1% , where the ASP was INR 408 in Q2 2017 compared with INR 404 in Q2 2016.
Adult Non-Fiction Trade genre has grown 2% by volume and 5% by value comparing Q2 2017 Vs. Q2 2016. The ASP in this genre has also increased by 3%, where the ASP was INR 343 in Q2 2017 compared to INR 332 in Q2 2016. Children, Young Adult & Education genre has grown 11% by volume and 12% by value comparing Q2 2017 Vs. Q2 2016. The ASP has decreased marginally by 1%, where the ASP was INR 281 in Q2 2017 compared with INR 285 in Q2 2016.
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- Adult Fiction contribution has increased in Total Consumer Market (TCM) and is contributing 24% by volume and 20% by value, when comparing Q2 2017 Vs Q2 2016.
- Adult Non-Fiction Specialist genre’s contribution has decreased 5% by volume and value comparing Q2 2017 Vs Q2 2016 and it contributes 16% and 21% respectively by volume and value.
- Adult Non-Fiction Trade’s contribution has remained flat at 29% by volume and 31% by value, when comparing Q2 2017 Vs Q2 2016.
- Children genre’s contribution has increased 2% by volume and 1% by value in Q2 2017 when comparing to Q2 2016 and it contributes 21% by volume and 18% by value respectively.
During Q2 2017, the Top 10 Fiction titles is dominated by Indian authors. Amish Tripathi’s new title Sita – Warrior of Mithila has grabbed top position and has sold more than 47K copies worth INR 12.4m. The second place goes to Savi Sharma’s title This is Not Your Story which has sold more than 23k copies worth INR 2.5m and the third place goes to Anand Neelakantan’s title The Rise of Sivagami and it has sold more than 20K copies worth INR 3.9m.
In the Non-Fiction (Trade) category, the number one position goes to Lilly Singh’s title How to Be A Bawse and has sold more than 23K copies worth 9.3m. The second position is taken by Napoleon Hill’s title Think and Grow Rich which has close to 15K copies worth INR 1.3m and the third position goes to the Sadhguru’s title Inner Engineering which has sold more than 14K by volume and INR 3.0 m by value.
In the Children’s category, the number one position goes to Jeff Kinney’s title Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down and has sold more than to 7K copies worth INR 2.1m. The second position goes to Rick Riordan’s title Dark Prophecy: The Trials Of Apollo, has sold just above 7K copies worth INR 3.2m. The third position goes to J K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and has sold more than 6K worth INR 1.7m.
Nielsen – All About Book Publishing Top 10 Bestseller Charts
Data Supplied By Nielsen BookScan India week starting 17th April, 2017 to week ending 5th August, 2017
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Top-10 Fiction Titles
Top-10 Non-Fiction Trade Titles
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