The Islamic Monuments of Delhi
Author: Ranjan Kumar Singh
Publisher: Partridge Publishing
(Pp 142, ISBN 978-1-4828-7315-3, Rs 2499 (paperback), Rs 169 (Kindle))
The Islamic Monuments of Delhi is the second book on the monuments of Delhi by author-filmmaker Ranjan Kumar Singh. His first book on the subject Delhi: Rising above Ruins (published by Parijat) was highly appreciated. The present book (published by Partridge India) contains text and photographic description of sixty beauties of the Islamic architecture in Delhi. It also presents a very concise and comprehensive history of Delhi with some interesting anecdotes.
Ranjan Kumar Singh, author and filmmaker, has created both print and audiovisual media specializing in depictions of art and culture. He has published six books and released more than 150 hours of films. He has presented papers on Indology and Upanishadic philosophy at several conferences worldwide. His two photo exhibitions on the Monuments of
Delhi have been highly acclaimed. Commenting on his works to generate awareness towards the monuments of Delhi, the former Chief Minister of Delhi Smt. Sheila Dikshit exclaimed, “Historically and pictorially outstanding – just like Delhi!”. Italian diplomat Antonio Armellini too finds his work “very interesting, beautiful and well documented showcase of Delhi’s archaeological treasures.”
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