Librarianship in Indian National Perspective


Author: Subhas C Biswas
Publisher: Gyan Publishing House
(Pp140, ISBN 9788121212793, Rs 475)

Librarianship In Indian National Perspective by Subhas C Biswas, who has worked with prestigious libraries of the world, presents Indian librarianship in a national perspective with plans of action at different levels that could be considered as future course of action plan for making it compatible with other major libraries of the world. Author believes that the National Library has got a raw deal by all stakeholders- the management, employees, central government and professional bodies.

The book largely deals with the National Library Kolkata and presents the In-House Action Plan, the quick measures required to be taken to bring the National Library to the fore front and impact of Indian Legal Deposit legislation on the National library.

The book discusses a very important aspect of the relevance of the traditional libraries in the light of current trends of digitization of library based information. The question become very important, keeping in mind the speed of growth of commercial e-publications worldwide and similar technological innovations over the last decade.

The book highlights the lack of any nationwide detail study of manpower planning together with continuous stagnation in library science education, training and research without any measures for qualitative improvement. The book presents an in-depth study of the library policy and its loopholes and presents a roadmap for making the library movement in India vibrant.

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