Venkat Forever – A tribute to ambassador AP Venkateswaran


Venkat Forever: A Tribute to Ambassador AP Venkateswaran edited by TP Sreenivasan and James M Peck, was recently released by Dalai Lama in New Delhi. This is the first book of its kind, a collection of spontaneous tributes paid to a former Foreign Secretary on his passing away, published together with his own ‘Oral History’. It is a testimony to the exceptional life and career of Ambassador AP Venkateswaran, who enjoyed immense popularity among his colleagues, friends and the general public.

Apart from touching and glowing tributes, the book contains Ambassador Venkateswaran’s views on people and policies of the countries in which he served, including the United States, the Soviet Union and China. They reveal his perceptive mind, deep understanding of the world and his wit and wisdom. Published for the first time, his views will be of great interest to strategic thinkers, researchers and the reading public.

Ambassador Venkateswaran was famous for his wit and humour, which embellished his statements and repartees. The book contains a collection of these witticisms, known as Venkatisms. The book also carries articles by well known journalists like TJS George and KP Nayar, which were published in the newspapers.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, whose message to Usha Venkateswaran is published on the back cover of the book, considered Ambassador Venkateswaran not only his friend, but also a friend of the Tibetan people. His exceptional gesture of blessing the book and launching it in Delhi is an ultimate tribute to Ambassador Venkateswaran.

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