Remembering Kailash Balani: life lived well!

Born on July 2, 1955, Kailash Balani emerged as an industry stalwart in a very short time.


Starting his career in the publishing Industry almost as a teenager in 1974, Balani worked with Tata McGraw-Hill, Wiley Eastern, Narosa Publishing House, Butterworths, UK and Asian Books before starting his own company Aditya Books in 1987.

In a very short time he diversified into several new areas of publishing and positioned himself as the Managing Director of Aditya Books Pvt.Ltd. Balani Infotech Pvt.Ltd. Lawman India Pvt. Ltd.,iGroup Infotech India Pvt.Ltd., A 2 Z Teaching and Learning Solutions Pvt.Ltd. and Global Music Institute, collectively known as Balani Group. Providing an exemplary leadership, Balani demonstrated his in depth skills in sales, strategic planning, business development, marketing and strategic partnerships.

Led by with his futuristic objective to become a value-based, technologyenabled organization, facilitating the most qualitative learning content in India and the neighbouring countries, Balani Group in very short time entered into collaboration with 60+ global publishers serving across varied areas of knowledge and stands as the most preferred, go-to vendor for all the publishers, academic institutions, corporates, and research organizations. Under his dynamic and strong leadership, Balani Group’s spectrum of content evolved from mere print books to

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