book marketing: need of the hour!


The Federation of Publishers & Booksellers Associations in India (FPBAI) recently organised a Masterclass on Book Marketing at India International Centre, New Delhi, which was inaugurated by Yuvraj Malik, Director, National Book Trust, India S.K. Ghai, President-FPBAI launched the Masterclass on Book Marketing mentioning the importance of how a book should be marketed successfully.

In his inaugural address, Yuvraj Malik lauded the contribution of Book Fairs in promoting the book industry as well as knowledge for the masses. He further informed that NDWBF is getting enhanced significance on the global platform; as such, NBT is thinking to launch similar Book Fair in Mumbai.

Sesh Seshadri deliberated on “Marketing in K-12 segment” He began by calling out a few important statistics within the segment, in order to identify the target audience for marketing. He shared the following statistics: Students in the school system – 247.85 million; Private sector enrolment – 33%; Number of schools – 1.5 million (urban percentage 17%); exam boards – 5 International, 2 National & 23 State.

While, Monica Malhotra Kandhari, Managing Director, MBD Group, emphasized the critical role of preparation of books, particularly for board and competitive exams. “Publishers are responsible for conducting robust marketing campaigns,establishing extensive sales and distribution networks,and maintaining connections with schools. Publishers must produce high-quality, affordable books that promote educational equity and make learning accessible to all students,” she said. A significant shift towards digital marketing campaigns was emphasized. “Distributor and retailer networks remain vital channels for students to access preparation books, with retailers offering personalized advice on the most relevant materials,” she added.

While, Raj D. Mirchandani broached on the conventional marketing strategies of the last 50 years which continues to be adopted even today to a great extent. They include campus calls; mailing by post/email leaflets on the projected books; and displays at conferences. He said that reviews in respected learned journals and paid advertisement can create great and unique marketing opportunities.

Anusha Sundaram, Head of Product Marketing, Parragon Publishing India, emphasised the need of book marketing, its development and management. She said that marketing is an industry in itself. Through marketing, publishers send their brand image to users.

While, Amit Kumar Singh, Manager (Marketing & Communications) at NBT and Programme In-charge of Rashtriya E Pustaklaya of National Book Trust, India (Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) said that NBT, India, on behalf of the Government of India is making significant strides in promoting a culture of reading and expanding the reach of books across the country.

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