New launches from Balani Infotech


Balani Infotech has recently released two new tools: imagetwin, an image plagiarism detection tool and All That Stats macroeconomic data and statistical time-series platform.

“In our constant endeavour to serve our user community more effectively, we have been regularly strengthening our portfolio of products and reaching out to new users. As the focus shifts to technology based applications, we have brought for you two new solutions viz imagetwin and All That Stats,” shares Kailash Balani of Balani Infotech.

imagetwin is an AI-powered automated image proofing for scientific publications, trusted by the world’s top researchers,publishers, and research institutes and utilizes a vast data base exclusively for detecting plagiarism, while also identifying duplications and manipulations within individual manuscripts. While, All That Stats provides access to 1000+ million statistical time series from most important national and international official/semi-official sources. Both the tools are quite important for providing value added research-based services by our libraries.

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