Kidney: A drop in the backdrop of Swachchh Bharat Abhiyaan


Author: RK Raj
Publisher: GenNext Publication, New Delhi
(Pp 346, ISBN 978 9380 222646, Rs 290)

The book Kidney: A drop in the backdrop of Swachchh Bharat Abhiyaan emphasises on the sorry state of the rag-pickers.

Narrated in the form of conversation among fictional characters, the book presents the plight of these unnoticed, undisclosed, unclaimed, undeclared environmentalists or intellectually called garbologists (the ragpickers).

They contribute a lot in sharing the responsibility with municipalities of Indian cities, but still go unnoticed.The other aspect is how the society treats these set of people… nothing more than some filth.

On the flip side, the book tried to focus on many other issues that India is facing—sex, police insensitivity, caste system, greed, etc which somehow diverts the main focus of the book.

Overall, it is an eye opener and makes us think about these less-previleged people.

– Shailendra Kumar

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