The Hidden Side of the Moon


Author: Martin Kämpchen
Publisher: Niyogi Books, New Delhi
(Pp 216, ISBN 978-93-83098-57-6, Rs 295)

German-born writer Martin Kämpchen, came to India as a student. Deeply moved by this country’s variegated life and philosophy, he stayed on, settling at Rabindranath Tagore’s Santiniketan—his home for the last forty years. The Hidden Side of the Moon is a collection of essays of his musings on a wide range of topics concerning India and Europe.

Initially published in The Statesman, it reflects his unique Indo–European world view on issues, places and people that influenced him deeply. As a European, exploring and comprehending the duality and paradox of India had been like discovering the hidden side of the moon, which made him feel ‘complete’ at last.

Though Martin is impressed with India, but he is not unmindful of the many maladies that ail India. He has tried to present a factual picture of the country, rather than lauding or berating the country. Written in a simple, easy-to-understand format, the book explores various facets of Indians’ personalities and their manners. Contrarily, it also gives a glimpse of the Europeans and their personalities.

– V Verma

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