East of Love West of Desire


Author: Dinesh Prasad
Publisher: Tara India Reseach Press, New Delhi
(Pp 438, ISBN 978-81-8386-061-1, Rs 399)

What is the measure of love or the intensity of passion or magnitude of loss it creates? Or for that matter, what is the measure of hate or misery it causes? The partition of India in 1947 left the nation with remnants of love and was powered with feelings of hate. East of Love West of Desire is a warm collection of short stories about people and their love that blooms in the wreckage of violence of partition.

These short stories will sometimes make you cry, while they will make you laugh at other times. But, one thing is common – they will make you hope for the better. The stories show that love can bloom in the wreckage of violence. It can make strangers come close or even turn brothers into enemies. Love knows no boundaries. The language of love is one, irrespective of caste, creed or religion. A beautiful book to showcase love and passion despite all odds!

– Varsha Verma

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