CCH targets to achieve larger market share in India
-offering more focused book titles for accounting, legal, human resources, banking, securities, insurance, government and health care
“Despite currently China is marking good business for us, but in the next five years our business strength in India would be surpassing China as the literacy rate in India is significantly increasing. Fast economical development along with advancements in all spheres of life, legal and financial complexities are also tending rise in the demand for high quality authentic content to facilitate the job of related professionals. That’s why we are planning to offer more titles in the Indian market. For the purpose, effective initiatives are being taken to associate greater number of Indian authors with us,” stated Jonathan Seifman, managing director-South Asia, CCH Asia Pte Limited in conversation with Ajeet Singh, asst editor, All About Book Publishing, during his recent visit to their Indian office in New Delhi. Producing around 700 publications, CCH is one of the leading publishers in the fields of tax, law, accounting, human resources & industrial relations, occupational health & safety, financial planning, business management and superannuation. “Starting our business in India just three and half year ago, we are constantly strengthening our position in the Indian market focusing on producing India-oriented book titles and journals. CCH Publication offer premium and updated information, which is well researched and written by practitioners in the concerned field. Our products can be found in print, electronic formats, workflow solutions, as standalone, syndicated or customised information in the key topics,” conveyed Seifman.
Jonathan Seifman, managing director-South Asia, CCH Asia Pte Limited at their India office in New Delhi.Founded in the year 1913, the US-based CCH (Commerce Clearing House) continues to deliver superior products and services, committed in improving and strengthening offerings which are reputed for its accurate, relevant and authoritative resources. Being a member of the Netherlands-based Wolters Kluwer group (since 1996), the world’s leading publisher for professionals, with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK and Europe, CCH also provides various market-leading solutions including The ProSystemfx Suite, CorpSystem, CCH IntelliConnect, Accounting Research Manager and Master Tax Guide, etc.
CCH in India represents the Wolters Kluwer Tax, Accounting & Legal division. With this new operation, Wolters Kluwer has extended its already established strong positions in the tax, accounting and legal markets in the United States, Canada, Asia Pacific, and Europe to India as a global integrated solutions provider for professionals in law, accounting and corporations in support of Wolters Kluwer’s strategy to accelerate profitable growth. Many generations involved with tax, legal and business have considered CCH products among the essentials in any office and critical in keeping abreast with day-to-day changes. CCH has a diverse range of information that millions of professionals have always been trusting and relying on.
“Established as ‘The Professional’s First Choice’ in the markets globally, our mission is to continuously provide top-of-the-line updated products within our domain. Keeping up the growth in our multinational operations, we have developed a sophisticated production team so as to attain the quality standard in our offerings and endeavours to perform better would remain our mission,” concluded Seifman.
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