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How classroom reading can promote habit of reading

Geroge Martin rightly said,“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.” Children start reading in classroom. So, how can teachers promote the habit of reading in classrooms?

Parragon strengthens its presence in MENA region

Post-pandemic, the publishing industry is hoping for a quick recovery. Confident in its future, Parragon India is set to launch exciting new IP across all categories of books and has ambitious plans to reach more markets in the Indian…

Joy Of Reading For Every Child…

A library that hangs on the wall; a large repository of openly licensed high-quality children’s literature; setting up of 5600 Gram Panchayat libraries for children in Karnataka; structured book reading programme; annual storytelling…

It’s not just a book anymore!

Books can now come to life… start talking, telling, moving or singing. Armen Martirosyan, head of the Antares Media Holding, shares the innovations they offer in their books.

Totems of Tamil Translation

I used to read a lot of novels in English during my school college days. Little did I know then, that many of them were not directly written in English. Those were narratives with such deep subtexts from different landscapes and cultures…

Licensing in K-12 publishing…

Publishing houses follow an elaborate process of seeking, negotiating and acquiring permission from copyright holders (who could be the original writer, an estate, a literary agent, a relative, and so on) to use the material that they wish…

“Improvise, adapt, overcome” all the way!

DK, an award-winning global publisher, creates illustrated reference books that are sold in over 100 countries and published in 63 languages. DK at the forefront of technology “Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable…