Beyond the Office Window: Discovering the Indian Ethos


Author: AK Pande
Publisher: Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd
(Pp 178, ISBN 812200788-0, Rs 400)

Have you ever wondered what life beyond office is? For the author, it is a voyage of discovery of a land, its culture, creeds, traditions, languages, dialects, literature, art, music and historical monuments – in short, the heritage of India in its entirety, which is as varies as its amazing and beautiful terrain. The book is the discovery of the author who steps out of his shell to discover that he belongs to a land that is whole with no barriers dividing its plurality.

The book aims to project India’s rich culture, tradition and heritage, in all its shapes and hues, which have helped to evolve that unique phenomenon called Indian ethos. The author was a member of the central civil services and hence had the opportunity to serve in different parts of the country, and the book is a reflection of his life outside office. He focuses on varied topics like politics, music, nature, philosophy and few of his personal anecdotes as well.

–Vasu V

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