The Indian Economy: Environment and policy


Author: Ishwar C Dhingra
Publisher: Sultan Chand & Sons
(Pp 870, ISBN 978-81-8054-831-7, Rs 465)

This twenty-fifth thoroughly revised edition of the book is a modest attempt to catch the fast-changing profile of the Indian economy. Some deadwood had been removed and more attention has been devoted to analysis of different issues that Indian economy gets confronted with.

Some of the additional topics in the book include: happy planet index; report of the committee on the measurement of economic performance and social progress; Tendulkar Committee report on poverty estimates; India gender gap review; Copenhagen accord; Kirit Parekh Committee report; recent food inflation of India; 12th five year plan (FYP-12); report to the people on employment in micro, small and medium enterprises; report of the committee on financial inclusion; mobile banking; benchmark prime lending rate and base rate; 13th finance commission report and union budget 2010-11.

This textbook systematically analyses different aspects of India’s economic scene in a proper theoretical backdrop. In course of identifying the potentials and pressure areas, it diagnoses the various economic problems in their entirety and suggests suitable remedies to deal with them. The book also has unsolved question papers of BA, BCom, MA, BBA, UPSC civil services exams, etc. 
– Archana

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