How classroom reading can promote habit of reading

Geroge Martin rightly said,“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.” Children start reading in classroom. So, how can teachers promote the habit of reading in classrooms?


Reading for pleasure is very important for children’s cognitive development. We need to teach our children to read and enjoy the process of reading. All About Book Publishing spoke to a cross-section of publishers in the K-12 education segment to know their views on how to promote the habit of reading in classrooms. Here are the excerpts.

“Librarians should visit bookshops to buy books for schools”

Classroom reading means not just the textbooks reading. The teachers role is very important in inculcating reading habits among the children. Apart from the textbooks, teachers should guide the students to read the reference books for science and social and literature books for English. These days teachers are more focussed on completing the syllabus and parents are keen on grades. Every day one student can read one sentence from the book before a teacher starts the class. Book fairs in schools will help the children to browse and buy the books. Librarians should upgrade their books regularly and they should visit book shops and buy for their school library.
– Srinivas, Sr Regional Manager, EupheusLearning

“A classroom full of books creates a reading interest among children”

Classroom reading makes an essential part of promoting a habit of reading as it can be done on a daily basis where teachers can read out from books in front of the child. When you read in front of a child, it helps build motivation, enthusiasm and confidence to read. If the teacher is excited about her reading in the classroom and in front of the child, the child is likely to catch your eagerness to read also.

Classroom reading creates a space for the child to read what he or she likes and teachers can encourage students to let them pick what they want to read. Classroom reading focuses on reading popular and favourite books again and again which can reinforce a habit of reading later at home. This inculcates a strong reading habit later in life also.

A classroom full of books all around also helps create a reading interest among children. When you are surrounded with books all around, you tend to grow with books and develop a liking for the same. Reading experiences can be shared in a classroom atmosphere which also encourages socialising around their readings and this will greatly enhance the comprehension, promote reading and make it more enjoyable.

Lastly, schools can organise ‘Book Events’ by inviting renowned authors and writers to visit classrooms and read from their popular books. This greatly affects the reading habit of the child when a known popular author or a writer comes and reads from his or her book in front of a child.
-Arvinder Singh, Sanbun Publishers

“Book Clubs, reading groups etc. attracts students to socialize around reading”

Books are the windows of the world. But as per the findings of ASER survey, basic reading skill is yet to be acquired by the large population of students in our country. In this context National Education Policy 2020 gives equal emphasis on reading along with other aspects of learning.

Teaching of languages aims to enhance competencies of listening, speaking, reading and writing. During loud reading sessions, students are not only attentive and comprehend but are corrected for pronunciation, punctuation and voice modulation. It improves vocabulary and listening skills. Continuous reading helps children to gain knowledge on various subjects, places and people around the world.
It is important to nurture and inculcate reading habits among students during foundational years of schooling. Setting up Book Clubs, reading groups etc. attracts students to socialize around reading. ‘Meet the Author’ programmes through skype or in person are also effective.

School libraries need to be updated with new books from time to time considering diverse interests of students. Children’s book publishers like Scholastic, Navneet Education, National Book Trust etc. identify the gap areas and work towards filling them.
-Anil Gala, Navneet Education

“Reading makes a child more imaginative” 

Reading maketh a full man; and writing an exact man.”– Francis Bacon
“Children learn to read with their growing age and it becomes a habit once it is persistently pursued. Reading not only gives knowledge but also enhances the fluency in the language. A child gets good knowledge about people, places and other activities by reading books. It makes a child more imaginative. While reading books and stories, a child is often transported to a different world, the world of new experiences. This helps in scaling up the imaginative skills of the reader. One can also develop his/her own visual images of the situation while reading the book. Reading is the best way to pass your time when you are alone or even when you are travelling.

Reading helps in understanding people and situation and you tend to deal with the same more intelligently. The biographies and the autobiographies or even the simple reading materials often tell us about people and places.
Reading relaxes and refreshes the mind. It is a peaceful hobby and can be done silently at home. Reading keeps you occupied without making you feel alone or disturbed. With advancement in the technologies, it has also become an inexpensive hobby and can be enjoyed by anyone fond of reading. It is also a way of practising self-discipline.

Habit of reading is to be grown and cultivated. The earlier it is done the better. Childhood is the best period when reading habits should be developed. Books are the best friends and reading provides best type of pleasure. It is a pleasure which can be recreated and shared with others. Reading provides us with valuable experience which would always stand us in good stead.”
-Anuj Gupta, Harbour Press

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