Understanding Asa-di-Var: The Morning Prayer


Author: Satjit Wadva
Publisher: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
(Pp 256, ISBN 978-93-81904-27-5, Rs 595)

Asa-di-Var or the song of hope is one of the morning prayers enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib. It takes you back to yourself to seek within and find the divine residing in your heart. The book is an attempt to decode the words and paraphrase the poetry to state the underlying message, so that you listen to the musical rendition and let the message sink deep into your heart.

The verses are given in Punjabi language, its transliteration in English, then in Hindi and also in English. So, people who cannot read or understand Punjabi, can also be blessed with this song of hope.


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