and Digital Education in India


Imagine a medical surgery taking place right in front of a medical student while he/she is trying to understand the concepts and theories of medical procedures in his/her textbook? What if the students can find just the book they are looking for in a matter of few seconds without having to go to the library? And what if the school students can carry more than hundred books with them to school without hurting their backs or racking their bookshelves? A few years ago, these things may have sounded too good to be true. But today, a technology-aided world of education is no more a utopian concept.

Education in India has undergone a sea change in terms of methods of instruction and delivery of knowledge to students. Traditional classrooms are slowly giving way to virtual classrooms, physical books to electronic books, researching to Googling. In the parlance of cultural studies, it is referred to as the macdonaldisation of education that focuses on more and more efficiency in transferring of knowledge to students.

Thanks to an online platform like, India has woken up to the concept of eBooks in the field of academics with much enthusiasm. is India’s first educational eBookstore offering subject-specific educational eBooks and study materials catering to School (K-12), Engineering, Medical, Management and Test Preps. “A platform like this is a welcome departure from the online book stores that have more than necessary of the collection. This can act as a guide to the visitors who are trying to find books that are suitable to their course by directly going to the preferred category,” says a STUDYeBUDDY user. The positive reaction of students towards STUDYeBUDDY and the concept of eBooks talk volumes about the fact that digital education is here to stay. Having content sourced from international and national publishers and possessing unmatched collection of educational eBooks on one single platform, STUDYeBUDDY has gradually become the unsolicited torch bearer of digital revolution in the field of education in India.

Bridging the gap between education and technology and adopting an innovation pioneered successfully by the US is no cakewalk, especially for a developing country like India. However, STUDYeBUDDY has left no stones unturned in ensuring that every educational need is met diligently. Educational institutes are looking at solutions to ensure on-time delivery of study material to all. Educationists are facing the challenge of guiding and grooming huge, crammed classrooms wanting individual attention. Education institutes can provide study materials through the ‘Digital Library Management System’ of STUDYeBUDDY. Librarian/Admin can generate reports on the book movements and student subscriptions. Also they can now make the study materials available online for students to access it anytime, anywhere. Educational Institutes are welcoming STUDYeBUDDY to help them put up eLibraries.

Predicting the obsolescence of hardbound books in the near future, STUDYeBUDDY has built apps to enhance eBook reading experience with features like add/share notes, highlighting important points, adding bookmarks, audio-visual presentation and many more. Keeping the fluid nature of technology in mind, STUDYeBUDDY is constantly innovating to upgrade the level of education in India, fulfilling its vision to create an “educationally-able world”.

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