It is indeed a matter of honour and pride…


India is the second largest English language publisher in the world and according to Nielsen BookScan India, “The market including academic and trade books has grown in YTD 2019 compared to YTD 2018. The “Total Consumer Market (TCM)” of print book market has grown +21.0% by volume and +22.0% by value.”

Fairs are a foundation to take knowledge further and facilitate exchange, innovation, learning, launches, trends and so much more. Frankfurter Buchmesse is the place where publishing experts meet to partner and be inspired. Last year, the show attracted 2,85,024 trade and private visitors from 164 countries, 7503 exhibitors from 109 countries. As Kannan Sundaram of Kalachuvadu Publications rightly says, “A serendipitous encounter may lead to a new path,the intensity of the fair which is often overwhelming cannot be reduced to the sum of all your business meetings — a pilgrimage that has never failed to enlighten my soul.”

Jaipur Book Mark, which is making its debut at the FBM, is a great way to celebrate unity in diversity. “The Great Indian Book Bazar” will be unveiled by Neeta Gupta of Yatra Books with leading publishing experts of India at the International Stage (Hall 5.1, 17 Oct, 12-1 pm).

A total of 83 Indian exhibitors will participate, out of which 34 are partnering with Capexil (sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India). This is a perfect platform to showcase, connect, collaborate and together create new wings of knowledge.

At the Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL) (30 November – 8 December 2019), India is the first country from Asia to be designated as the Guest of Honour country. An India Pavilion by National Book Trust (NBT) with the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad,will be based on landscape of languages representing multiculturalism through literary and oral practices over time.

The year 2019-2020 has indeed been fascinating in cultural exchange as India was the Guest of Honour Country at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair (April 24 – 30, 2019) and also will be the Guest of Honour Country at the upcoming Paris Book Fair (March 20-23, 2020) with NBT designated as the Nodal Agency by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India, coordinating the same.

India is at a point of growth of a knowledge economy and is faced with collectively dealing with challenges and changes to make publishing in all aspects stronger, richer and diverse. Love for reading needs to be more deeply ingrained in our systems, languages and outreach via different mediums, ensuring cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. Books are the ambassadors of our culture and diversity. Let’s celebrate our books!


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