Debashis Sarkar wins the coveted 2014 Philip Crosby


Published by one of the leading publishing houses, Westland Ltd, Debashis Sarkar’s book Lessons in Lean Management has won the prestigious 2014 Philip Crosby Medal in the US. Debashis Sarkar is the recipient of the Philip Crosby Medal for authoring a distinguished book in the space of quality management. This is world’s most esteemed award in this space. The award will be given out in May 2014 in Dallas in the US.

This book provides a roadmap on how to embrace, improve and profit from Lean. It has the capacity to revolutionize both your business and your bottom-line. The book also provides first-of-their-kind tools which have been pioneered by the author and can come handy in any operational excellence endeavour. Debashis Sarkar is today considered among the world’s leading quality practitioner’s whose work in the space of lean thinking and customer performance improvement has been taken notice by the world. He is a global authority on Lean Management and his work in the space has been adopted by improvement practitioners across the world. He is credited to have pioneered the adoption of lean management practices by service industry just not in Asia but world over.

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