Positive living: a complete package as a publishing house –Rakesh Mittal



Positive living: a complete package as a publishing house –Rakesh MittalPositive living is a complete package just like a good publishing house with values and integrity. For leading a good life values should be the part of life not a compulsion. Any deviation of values leads to fear. A person with a positive approach thinks in larger perspective and for greater prosperity, was the quote from Rakesh Mittal, founder of Kabir Peace Mission during

8th OP Ghai Memorial Lecture on ‘Art of Positive Living’ celebrating the 91st birth anniversary (Oct 1, 2010) of OP Ghai in New Delhi, organized by Institute of Book Publishing. Motivating the delegates/participants of publishing industry present at the occasion, Mittal said, “With a positive mindset we should entertain our legitimate desires, a good habit of it is reward in itself while all the negative actions are like a punishment. The whole process of living should be joyful instead only to get the outcome of the verdict into happiness.”


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