National Book Promotion Policy in India!


A Round Table Meeting to discuss Draft National Book Promotion Policy was held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi under the chairmanship of Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble minister of Human Resource Development, Govt of India. The National Book Promotion Policy aims at promoting books for all segments of the society, so that good books are available in plenty and they are accessible to people living in different parts, even the remotest corners, of this vast land of ours.

A few of the suggestions included: pricing policy on books, Public Private Partnership (PPP) in publishing of text book for school children, focus on access to books by print disabled persons and physically challenged and copies of e-books to  be deposited in the public libraries by amending the Delivery of Books and Newspapers Act, 1954. Promotion of neighbourhood library system was only one of the suggestions amongst many.

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