Association of Publishers in India elects new Executive Committee


Association of Publishers in India, announced the new executive committee in its Annual General meeting held recently. Nitasha Devasar, Managing Director, Taylor & Francis India has been elected as President by majority votes and will now lead the charge of communicating industry opportunities and concerns to relevant stakeholders on a global level.

The executive committee includes representation from top publishing houses in the industry. Neeraj Jain, Managing Director – Scholastic India takes charge as the Vice President and Harish Doraiswamy, Vice President – Qualifications, Schools & Vocational, Pearson India has joined as the General Secretary. Aparna Sharma, Managing Director – DK India and Nachiket Mohagaonkar, Chief Operating Officer – Cambridge University Press have been elected as Joint Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

Speaking on the occasion, Nitasha Devasar, President – Association of Publishers in India said, “Building on momentum created so far, we hope to build a broader consensus around our shared purpose as an industry. The value proposition of Indian publishing, which is among the largest in the world, for quality education, employability and a growing nation, needs to be highlighted.”

In the new role, the committee members will work cohesively with regulatory bodies, industry organizations and global associations to put Indian publishing on the international map. It will also focus on the educational and employability prospects of the industry to sustain and amplify the value proposition of publishing in India.

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