Stage set for Frankfurt Book Fair 2013


World’s largest confluence for
book publishers, booksellers, agents, authors and others
The global publishing industry gets ready to converge at Frankfurt Book Fair 2013 to be staged from October 09-13 at Frankfurt, Germany. All arrangements have set into places to make this fair a meeting point for the industry experts as well as a most important marketplace for books, media, rights and licences worldwide. Profiles of the exhibitors and visitors rushing to this mega international book fair from different parts of the globe in October every year are predominantly of book publishers, booksellers, agents, film producers, authors and others who jointly create something new or innovative in every edition. With the participation of around 7,300 exhibitors from around 100 countries, Frankfurt Book Fair is the biggest book and media fair in the world. Frankfurt Academy, the international conference brand of Frankfurt Book Fair in co-operation with German Publishers & Booksellers Association, organises conferences and trade events all year long. This year at the fair, there will be more than 3,500 events for attendees to choose from.

A flashback

The history of Frankfurt Book Fair dates back to the 15th century when Johannes Gutenberg first invented movable type, just a few kilometres from Frankfurt. Since then Frankfurt remained the central and undisputed European book fair city through to the 17th century. In the course of political and cultural upheaval, Leipzig came to play the part in the 18th century. In 1949, that early tradition of Frankfurt Book Fair was given a new lease of life as 205 German exhibitors assembled on September 18-23 in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche for the first post-war book fair. More than 60 trade-fair years later, the Frankfurt Book Fair is the largest-of-its-kind in the world – and the hallmark for global activities in the field of culture. The Frankfurt Book Fair is a subsidiary of the German Publishers’ & Booksellers’ Association.


Attracting top-level names from across the entire publishing eco-system, CONTEC Frankfurt will premiere on October 08, 2013 with a programme featuring over 60 speakers and 25 interactive sessions that will address the complexity of needs of the entire international publishing industry – trade and STM publishers, agents, techies, authors, librarians and more. That’s what makes CONTEC the perfect pre-Frankfurt event.

People’s needs and expectations of a conference format have changed over the last few years. CONTEC will meet these expectations and more, with sessions that are completely focused on dialogue and exchange. As the successor to the popular Tools of Change (TOC) Frankfurt event, CONTEC Frankfurt will go one step further, approaching both new and traditional topics with a focus on interconnectedness and interaction.

“One of the main differences between TOC and CONTEC is the format. With CONTEC, we are stepping away from formal presentations, and working toward making the sessions more conversational, involving the audience in discussion and creating dialogue around topics,” said programme and community manager, Kat Meyer. She added that the goal is to allow everyone to learn from one another, and create working relationships in the process.

But that’s not the only difference. According to Britta Friedrich, director of events & programmes for the Frankfurt Academy, CONTEC is also unique on a conceptual level. “Unlike events that position publishing and technology as distinct worlds, CONTEC reflects a united industry in which publishing and technology have already been fully integrated,” she said, noting that CONTEC will offer a look at how the publishing experience is changing now that these worlds have converged.

Some of the featured speakers and session topics will include: Experience the Big Ideas – by Jill Cousins, executive director of Europeana Foundation, which will be featured on a panel exploiting the future of libraries in the modern digital eco-system. Sascha Lobo, founder of Sobooks, will share insight on social selling. While, the session on ‘Experience the Supply Chain’ will see a roster of speakers including Graham Bell, chief data architect, Editeur; and Victoriano Colodrón, senior director, Global Relations, CCC who will analyse international market statistics, accessibility standards, digital global rights and royalties.

Besides, in the session ‘Experience Innovative New Partnerships,’ Nick Perrett, HC group strategy and digital director, will discuss publishing start-ups working with VCs and other investors and Stephen Smith, president and CEO of Wiley will share the vision and path for Wiley’s transition from traditional book publisher to globally-scaled and innovative content solutions provider.

Another interesting session will be on ‘Experience Putting the Theory Into Practice’ where Kristen McLean, founder and CEO of Bookigee and others will demystify ‘Big Data’ while Michael Kowalski, founder of Contentment, will share his expertise in responsive design.

Moreover, there will be Interactive Learning Labs, having group discussions with a casual, conversational tone that cover a depth and breadth of the issues. Each session will kick off with mini-presentations to offer some insights into each panellist’s background, but there won’t be any formal lecture-style presentations. The goal is to make these sessions interactive – a moderator will pose questions to the panellists and allow for audience’s inputs and debate. Molly Barton, global digital director of Penguin, will explore the importance of author and community platforms. Wool series author Hugh Howey will share his journey from self-published author to ‘hybrid’ author.

Brazil as guest of honour country

Brazil will make its appearance as Guest of Honour Country at Frankfurt Book Fair 2013. The country boasts of its eighth largest book market and the sixth largest economy in the world. Market research has revealed 7.4 percent increase in the turnover for the Brazilian book market in 2011, bringing combined turnover to 2.4 billion US dollars. Textbooks alone experienced a 38 percent increase in unit sales in 2011 and a 23 percent increase in turnover. (Source: Study “Produção e Vendas do Setor Editorial Brasileiro”, October 2012).

LitAg turning 35!

Also at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2013 (October 09-13), the Literary Agents & Scouts Centre, popularly known as ‘LitAg’, will mark its 35th anniversary. A space reserved exclusively for scouts and agents, LitAg provides a closed-off centre where international rights and licenses are negotiated and sold. This year, LitAg has not only sold out all 448 tables for the second year in a row – it is bringing a record number of 619 agents and scouts to the book fair – but the space itself has also undergone a transformation.

“In the LitAg, each table will have its own side wall, so agents and scouts can be sure their conversations remain private. Every agent now also has the opportunity to rent shelves. The LitAg will continue to offer Wi-Fi, a cafeteria, a juice bar, a copy shop, PCs to access email, and a messaging service, and as usual will provide a space where personal meetings can take place in a relaxed and private atmosphere,” said Riky Stock, director of the German Book Office in New York who took over managing the LitAg in January this year.

Located in Hall 6.0 at the fair ground, the LitAg is exclusively reserved for agents and scouts.

FutureBook Innovation Awards

The Frankfurt Book Fair has joined forces with the UK’s Bookseller Magazine to sponsor one of the categories at the prestigious FutureBook Innovation Awards ceremony in November. Launched three years ago, the FutureBook Innovation Awards recognise excellence in publishing innovation and in 2013, the Frankfurt Book Fair will be sponsoring ‘The Most Inspiring Person in Digital Publishing’ award for the first time. It is one of eight categories, the shortlists for which will be announced at the Fair.

Holger Volland, vice-president, Media Industries at Frankfurt Book Fair said, “This book fair is the place where innovative companies meet and present new and inspiring solutions. It is also a place where ideas are born and exciting plans are formed. Our Hot Spot stages are a perfect example of how we can showcase innovative products and engage with talented individuals. It is therefore very fitting that we are sponsoring this category at the FutureBook Innovation Awards and we would strongly encourage our exhibitors to get involved as soon as they can.”

All the shortlisted candidates for all categories of the FutureBook Innovation Awards will be announced at the book fair in Hall 8, on the Publishing Perspectives Stage (Stand N170), on October 10 at 5 pm. The category winners will be announced at the FutureBook conference on November 21 in London.

What’s new?

The Agora: the open-air space at the heart of the exhibition grounds is arguably the most beautiful location at the Frankfurt Book Fair. With two new additions – Open Stage and Kids Bubble – publishers can use this space to host their own events for customers and clients and stage their authors. From readings and public events to stand parties, the book fair’s central open-air space offers just the right amount of room, air, light and audience members for all event ideas. Open Stage features a 700 sq m promotional space with stage, seating and sound equipments.

Kids Bubble – just a short walk from hall 3 – will bring together everyone who has something important to say about children’s and young adult books. The venue can be used to host book signings, photo shoots and readings featuring the latest stars from the world of children’s books, as well as panel discussions and client events.

CAPEXIL takes Indian contingent to Frankfurt

CAPEXIL Book Division is participating in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2013 in a big way by forming INDIA PAVILION in hall 8 under MAI Scheme of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. CAPEXIL has booked 300 sq m space with a common stand as number N-147. Members who are participating in the INDIA PAVILION through CAPEXIL will be provided with fully furnished designer stands. CAPEXIL and National Book Trust, India (NBT) are in the process of showcasing best of Indian publishing and printing offerings during the mega event. CAPEXIL Book Division will also offer multicolour publicity brochure in English for distribution during the fair. The folder, apart from CAPEXIL’s services and export statistics, will also contain details of the participating members with their specialisations.

It is expected that 50 members will participate in the INDIA PAVILION through CAPEXIL, namely: AITBS Publishers of India, New Delhi; All About Book Publishing, New Delhi; Ananda Publishers Pvt Ltd, Kolkata; DC Books, Kottayam, Kerala; DK Agencies (P) Ltd, New Delhi; DK Language Bookshop, New Delhi; International Print O Pac, Noida; Kalachuvadu Publications Pvt Ltd, Nagercoil; Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi; Lifi Publications, New Delhi; Manipal Technologies, Manipal; Manjul Publishing House Pvt Ltd, Bhopal; Mapin Publishing Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad; Mehta Publishing House, New Delhi; MLBD Books International, New Delhi; Munshi Ram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi; National Handmade Industries; NCBA Exports Pvt Ltd, New Delhi; New Age International Pvt Ltd, New Delhi; New Central Book Agency Pvt Ltd, Kolkata; Orange Education Pvt Ltd; Osian’s Connoisseurs of Art Pvt Ltd, New Delhi; PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi; Prints Publications; Publishers & Booksellers Guild, Kolkata; Rachna Sagar Pvt Ltd, New Delhi; Random Publications, New Delhi; Replika Press Pvt Ltd; Sheth Publishing House, Mumbai; Sivasaksthi Offset, Chennai; Snab Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi; Spring Time Sofware, New Delhi; Sunrise Publishers, New Delhi; Zubaan, New Delhi; etc.

GBO New Delhi’s activities at Frankfurt Book Fair 2013
(Entry by prior registration only)

Keeping its annual tradition, German Book Office (GBO) New Delhi, this year as well, is hosting/co-organisiing a range of interesting events at Frankfurt Book Fair 2013. Starting with the First Timer Tour, these specific events are focussed at equipping the exhibitors/visitors/participants from India with specialised knowledge relevant to the Fair, while also extending ample opportunities to network with national and international counterparts and seek out potential business partners.

The Guided Tour for Educational publishers will take the select group of publishers from India or the subcontinent into the heart of hall 4.2 where all the action related to the field of academic/education publishing/digital media takes place. The Business Networking event between India and Brazil is a one-of-its-kind event that brings participants from India and the subcontinent in closer quarters with their Brazilian counterparts to foster business, exchange and collaboration.

The GLOBALOCAL Roundtable is another unique platform which promises to become the hub of emerging trends and ideas being discussed and brought forth. Tailored to ensure increased outreach and opportunities, GBO invites everyone to register for these events as part of their presence at Frankfurt Book Fair 2013.

GBO New Delhi and Frankfurt Book Fair Sao Paulo Office, in collaboration with National Book Trust (India), jointly present an afternoon dedicated to Indian and Brazilian children’s content on October 10, 2013 (2.00-4 pm) at KIDS BUBBLE (AGORA).

A series of presentations on Best Practices in Children’s Publishing and Media – India & Brazil will highlight market knowledge, best practices across the two major markets, network for business collaborations and rights exchange. Participants can get on new opportunities surfacing in the book markets of Brazil (US$2.4 million with sale of 469,468,841 copies and India (with about 194 million school-children; diverse with 34 regional languages and about 90-100,000 titles published annually). Children and young adults’ books in Brazil constitute 19 percent of the total market. On the other side, India being the world’s 8th largest publishing country and third largest English language publisher boasts of its Rs 10,000 crore book market (including imports).

Join this first ever focused exchange programme and explore the world of possibilities!

To participate contact (India) GERMAN BOOK OFFICE NEW DELHI. Email:

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