Teenagers’ Dictionary of 10000 Words


Concept: Ved Prakash
Compilation: Lata Seth
Publisher: Dreamland Publications, New Delhi
(Pp 352, ISBN 9789350891940, Rs 700)

Teenage period is indeed a crucial stage which revolves around a lot of explorations in educational or social surroundings. In such period of life, youngsters require proper nourishment with vital knowledge on new things or experiences which they have never encountered in life. In this respect, Teenagers’ Dictionary of 10000 Words is a fair attempt of Dreamland to provide a vocabulary bank to the young people. This illustrative book is designed in a manner to help the children learn any new vocabulary being explained with an image and grammatical usage of it. This learning technique serves as a memory cue for the young learners. An excellent teaching instrument, Teenagers’ Dictionary of 10000 Words is certainly a ladder for teenagers climbing to upper levels of the correct usage of grammar and vocabulary. A must buy for teenagers by all parents.

– Jyaneswar Laishram

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