Pull of Pulses Full of Beans


Authors: Salma Husain and Vijay Thukral
Publisher: Niyogi Books, New Delhi
(Pp 203, ISBN 978-93-86906-19-9, Rs 750)

While legumes, pulses and lentils– Indian sub-continent consumes them in varied ways, they are cooked not just on a wide scale but also with unmatched culinary skills and imagination. The daal is a staple food of this region but there are so many dishes possible with it. This book is a tribute to the rich and awesome diversity of Indian gastronomic traditions.

Beautifully designed, the book is not just a recipe book – it is a collectible for all those who love pulses. The recipes in the book are varied and cover not only daal curries but also daal-based snacks, savouries and sweets – that too from different regions and communities of India. Also added are a few international lentil recipes to satiate different tastes. A must have book for all!

– Varsha Verma

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