One Rotten Apple And Other Stories


Author: Vandana Kumari Jena
Publisher: Olive Turtle, an imprint of Niyogi Books
(Pp 216, ISBN 978-93-86906-17-5, Rs 350)

If you love short stories, then this is the book for you. Crisp and captivating – each story unfolds an unexpected turn, revealing a new dimension to the female character, breaking all stereotypes. Each of the 26 stories in the book seem so real; characters are taken from modern life, sometimes, we can even relate few of them to people we know. When you pick up this book, there will be no dull moment. There are no unwanted boring details, the stories are short and to the point.

All in all, an interesting collection of short stories, each depicting the vulnerabilities of women as well as their strengths, besides celebrating the various shades of grey in them! Each story has a twist in the end, which resonates in the mind of the reader.

– Varsha Verma

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