Raymond Crossword Book Award 2014’ : winners announced


-13 years of rewarding the best in Indian writing

The finest of Indian Literature took center stage at “Raymond Crossword Book Awards 2014’ as the country’s finest writers and their books were honoured at a glittering award function at National Center for Performing Arts (NCPA) in Mumbai. This 2014 winners are as follows, The Blind Lady’s Descendants by Anees Salim” won the Raymond Crossword Book Award in the Indian Fiction category; This Divided Island: Stories from the Sri Lankan War by Samanth Subramanian” won the award for Indian Non-Fiction; Children, Women, Men By Sundara Ramaswamy Translated by Lakshmi Holmstrom” won the Indian language Translation category; Bankerupt by Ravi Subramanian” won the Popular Award while Timmi in Tangles by Shals Mahajan Duckbill” won Kotak Junior Children writing award.

With over 50,000 voting entries for the popular award, it is the highest number of votes ever received in the history of the Book Award. The entire judging process took more than 3 rigorous months which includes shortlisting the books to announcing the final winner.

Speaking on the occasion, Kinjal Shah, CEO – Crossword Bookstores, said, “This year we complete 13 years of the Book Award. These awards have always been an integral part of the brand and we are thrilled at the way it has grown over the years and supported Indian writing. We at crossword would like to thank the readers, authors, publishers, the jury, and all our sponsors for their support in the endeavour of rewarding the best of Indian Literature”

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