Encouraging translations… spreading knowledge


The best of regional writings produced in India, by and large, are not available to a global readership. NBT has recently started a financial assistance programme for translation. A brief. The relevance and importance of translation has increased greatly in today’s fast changing world. It is through translation of documents that we come to know of the latest discoveries in the various fields of knowledge, and also have access to the literature of several languages and to the different events happening in the world.

NBT financial assistance programme for translation

The relevence of translation has greately increased but, it remains largely confined to writings in English. National Book Trust, India has launched a very admirable programme called NBT financial assistance programme for translation with the following objectives:

  1. Financial Assistance Programme (NBT FAP), a dedicated rights exchange programme will pursue translation of Indian books into foreign languages. Under this initiative, NBT will provide financial support to foreign publishers who are interested in translating Indian works. This incentive would help it commercially viable for foreign publishers to take up Indian books.
  2. The scheme will cover the brand categories of fiction, non-fiction, science and technology and books for children except dictionaries, magazines, journals, text-books, for schools/colleges and professional courses like medicine, engineering, science & technology, business administration, etc.
  3. Regional language publications not available in English translations will also be considered for selection into foreign languages. In such cases, if a direct translator for the target language is not found, the Trust would facilitate its translation into English. NBT would provide 50 percent of the translation fee at the prescribed rate of NBT for translation of writings from regional language to English.

What’s more?

A Rights Catalogue of Indian Writings will be made available at regular intervals for the benefit of publishers applying for the grant. Payment of the translation grant will be made to the publisher once NBT has received proof of payment to the translator and five copies of the published work which would include acknowledgement of NBT’s funding.

The NBT Translation Grant Programme (NTGP) can play a valuable role in building a greater international awareness and appreciation of contemporary India writings, particularly in translations. It will also help foster a better understanding of India among overseas audience.

To know more, please contact Binny Kurian of Rights Translations Acquisitions Department at NBT.

-GS Jolly with inputs from NBT

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