Indian delegation at Abu Dhabi Book Fair


CAPEXIL, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, took a delegation of 15 member exporters to Abu Dhabi Book Fair, UAE from April 26 –May 2, 2017. The delegation of Indian exhibitors was led by Naresh Kumar Chutani and Sunil Kumar of CAPEXIL. The chairman of CAPEXIL Ramesh K. Mittal could not attend the event due to his other commitments. National Book Trust, India and CAPEXIL had set-up stands in this fair, which was spread in an area of 31,692 sq m, attracting 1261 publishers and 272,320 visitors, 612 authors, 507 events and 200 journalists.

Kapil Raj, second secretary, Embassy of India Abu Dhabi, UAE, visited the stands of Indian publishers & printers and interacted with them to understand their success stories as well as their difficulties to export their items.

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