The Bhagwad Gita


(A modern interpretation)
Interpreter: Dayanand Verma
Publisher: Diamond Books, New Delhi
(Pp 208, ISBN 9789351659778, Rs 175)

Gita is a revolutionary creation of its age and for all the ages. So many interpretations have been written and rewritten for this reverend text. Every word in Gita is embedded in the history of that age and it can only be grasped with an understanding of the era when this sermon was preached. Many words in our present day vocabulary had different connotations during the Vedic age. Keeping this in mind, the slokas in this book have not been translated verbatim. Instead, their essential meaning has been given, following the current manner of speech.

Written in an easy-to-understand format, the book shows how Gita is relevant in this age as well.

– V Verma

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