Pentagon Press releases Kashmir: Towards Demilitarisation


Written evocatively telling his story of Kashmir in the capacity of an Indian Army chief in an eloquent manner, Kashmir: Towards Demilitarisation is a debut book of Brig Pramathesh Raina (Retd) who eventually reveals reasonable requirement of number and type of uniformed personnel to be responsible to maintain law and order in the Himalayan state. The book was recently launched in New Delhi in presence of a host of military personnel, comprising Maj Gen GD Bakshi and Brig Gurmeet Kanwal as the guests of honours. Chief guest prof Amitabh Mattoo at the launch event defined Kashmir: Towards Demilitarisation as a book of profound ‘wisdom’ and ‘understanding’.

Moreover, Kashmir: Towards Demilitarisation is a seminal effort towards the understanding of military nature of the Kashmir problem. This book recounts the way army personnel gain triumphant in containing insurgency to such levels that it has brought in free and fair elections and restored life to a state of near normalcy. Perhaps this is the type of book only author from the arm forces could write, explained prof Amitabh, signifying the fact that Kashmir: Towards Demilitarisation will not only excite the readers, but also inspire them.

Brig Gurmeet Kanwal called the book an ideal analysis of military problem in Kashmir. Hailed from Kashmir, author Brig Pramathesh Raina of the book has intimate knowledge of the Himalayan state. He is now settled in Pune with his family after his retirement from the Indian Army in 2007.

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