Block your diaries!


With plans well under way for the 2016 fair, the dates for 2017 London Book Fair have also been announced from March 14-16, 2017 at Olympia, London. While the Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2017 will be held from April 3-6, 2017. Bologna Children’s Book Fair and The London Book Fair have communicated over what is hoped to be a practical solution to a potential bottleneck of dates in 2017. The London Book Fair has worked closely with their venue partner, Olympia, to get the best dates available within a very crowded event schedule, particularly as Spring holidays are taking place later in 2017.

While, BolognaFiere – owner of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair – has negotiated dates with many of their key clients, in order to allow confirmation for the Book Fair at the beginning of April. This was due to the fact that many international events already take place during this month in Bologna and so it was important to find a viable solution for everyone to work with.

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