Book Vision


History of Indological Studies

Edited By: Klaus Karttunen
Publisher: MLBD, New Delhi
(Pp 264, ISBN 97881
2083 9946, Rs 1,000)

The present volume contains a general introduction to the history of South Asian studies, a bibliography and six case studies of different aspects, including early Indological studies in India and Indological traditions in Sweden, Denmark and other countries.

Indian Art Series: Rasa Yatra: A Pilgrimage Into the Heart of India

Author: Param P Tomanec
Publisher: Niyogi Books
(Pp 135, ISBN 978 93
83098 743, Rs 1,000)

It is a collection of photograph and literature of MOSA’s first temporary exhibit.

His work discovers the vibrant spiritual culture that endures in India and some of the major challenges it faces as a result of a fastpaced modernization.

The book includes photograph of several categories: landscapes, architecture, portraits, deities, and festivals. It truly is a pilgrimage, and the viewers can experience some of the emotions and feelings one has when one visits such places in India.

Nature Cure for Common Diseases

Author: TL Devaraj
Publisher: Lotus Press, New Delhi
(Pp 179, ISBN 81 89093 74 6, Rs 150)

Comprised in two parts

there are fifteen chapters in part A and forty in part B. In the first part, the book deals with introduction to nature cure, several types of baths, disease cure with natural methods, fasting, good sleep, health hazards of coffee, tea, massage therapy, naturopathy versus modern medicine, nutritive foods and health, row foods for perfect health etc. And the second part deals with diseases with their causes, symptoms and naturopathy treatment.

Another Face in the Crowd

Author: Indraneel DG
Publisher: Amaryllis (An Imprint of Manjul Publishing House Pvt Ltd), New Delhi
(Pp254, ISBN 978 93 81506 68 4, Rs 195)

This is a story of friendship, aspiration and optimism garnished with the masala of humour, chaos and disagreement of three diametrically opposite friends who are out of college and in their first jobs, life was perfect for them… until they are hit by the hurricane of fate. One loses his job, another decides to quit his and the rest chip in to help start a business venture together.

Divine Legacy: Dagars Dhrupad

Author: Humra Quraishi
Publisher: Niyogi Books
(Pp 156, ISBN 978 93 83098 750, Rs 1,500)

The book gives glimpses of the rich heritage of this haunting form of music that has enthralled audiences worldwide. It traces the history of the illustrious Dagar family through 20 generations of Dhrupad singers, highlighting their distinctive approach to this unique form of music. Rare photographs make the book all the more special.

Passport of Gujarat: Hazardous Journeys

Author: Alexander K Luke, IAS (Retd)
Publisher: Manas Publications, New Delhi
(Pp 380, ISBN 978 81 7094 502 4, Rs 795)

This is an inspiring story of struggle and victory of the author of the book who is also known as ‘The Turnaround Man of Gujarat’ for the revival of Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL) Project, Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Limited (GACL) and Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (GSFC). He demonstrated the truth of this assertion in all his organisations. The book also describes the opposition he faced from the political leadership of Gujarat, who, paradoxically, were the official beneficiaries of these organisational revivals.

Improve Your Vocabulary

Author: James Williams
Publisher: Lotus Press, New Delhi
(Pp 248, ISBN 81 89093 967, Rs 150)

The book teaches thousand words and gives clear explanations, simple rules and professional tips for vocabulary building. This book forms a complete self-teaching and review book on vocabulary.

Sociology of Sanitation

Author: Richard Pais
Publisher: Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi
(Pp 296, ISBN 978 93 5128 157 3, Rs 890)

Providing in-depth knowledge of sanitation and glimpse of Sulabh Sanitation Movement, the book shows that ‘Swachch Bharat’ will lead to ‘Swasth Bharat’. It is useful for students, educators, social workers, social scientists, social planners and policy makers.

Reflections: Contemporary Challenges, Personalities and Coundrums

Author: Margaret Chatterjee
Publisher: Promilla & Co, Publishers, New Delhi
(Pp 161, ISBN 978 93 82337 19 5, Rs 300)

The book contains discussions on urgent contemporary issues such as elections, jobless growth, pollution and censorship. It also provides short biographies of remarkable people.

Sexy Successful Spiritual

Author: Vineetha Athrey
Publisher: Pentagon Press, New Delhi
(Pp 175, ISBN 978 81 8274 844 6, Rs 595)

The book is a complete antithesis to everything that has been passed on about under self-help, plain vanilla motivation and conventional spirituality. It is a tool to staying motivated to create the best work for self and have the best relationship at any time, all the time.

The Secret of Your Immortal Self

(Key lessons for realising the divinity within)
Author: Guy Finley
Publisher: Manjul Publishing House, New Delhi
(Pp 343, ISBN 978 81 8322 583 0, Rs 295)

The book opens the doors to a new level of self-understanding and let go of suffering. Guy Finley helps to seek a deeper relationship with the divine and provides powerful insights on how to find a guiding light in any dark moment. His ideas cut straight to the heart of our most important personal and social issues, relationships, success, addiction, stress, peace, happiness, freedom and lead the way to a higher life.

Sociology of Sanitation: Themes and Perspectives

Author: Ashish Saxena
Publisher: Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi
(Pp 512, ISBN 978 93 5128 145 0, Rs 1490)

The works emphasises that the idea of sanitation is a buzzword for various development policies and planning ensuring community participation. Intricacies of sanitation urgently need to be tapped in a holistic framework. The book presents the issues of sanitation in a jacketed configuration.

Encountering Modernity: Situating the Tangkhul Nagas in Perspective

Editor-in-chief: R Vashum
Publisher: Chicken Neck, New Delhi
(Pp 400, ISBN 978 93 82337 20 1, Rs 700)

The book covers various pertinent aspects of the Tangkhul Nagas and essentially engages on four broad areas: the engagement on the articulation of the discourses of tradition, modernity and emerging issues and trends; the inclusiveness of the various inter-disciplinary aspects and perspectives on the Tangkhul Nagas; the elements of critical analysis of the conventional tradition and knowledge of the community; and the attempt to open up discourses on the various aspects of the Tangkhul society.

Bhakti Ratnakara

(As it is by Mahapurush Shree Shree Sankardeva)
Translated by: Pranabananda Pathak
Publisher: Promilla & Co, Publishers, New Delhi
(Pp 240, ISBN 978 93 82337 171, Rs 350)

The works of Sankardeva form a large corpus. The Bhakti Ratnakara, the canon of Assamese Vaishnavism is a compilation of Sanskrit verses of marked theological and philosophical significance. It is among the most important works for understanding the religious tenets and doctrines of the Vaishnava cult. The verses are compiled from various Vaishnavite works and Sankardeva adds a commentary of his own to the compilation.

Coffin Her Back: A Medical Detour

Author: Lokendra Singh
Publisher: Lifi Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
(Pp 323, ISBN978 93 82 53 64 68, Rs 290)

The book is a medical crime story which takes to a horrendous detour. It begins with Paula a student from Nigeria who was detected with a complex brain tumour. India seemed the cheapest destination. Neeraj Wadhera, proprietor of a medical tour agency, promised best of services but his true colours were soon revealed to Paula and her brother Messy. Vishal Ahlawat, a neurosurgeon, accepts Paula as his first case through medical tourism and then the scary and dangerous story unfolds.

To Tolerate or Not to Tolerate: That is the Question

(A Study of some Modern Indian Thinkers)
Author: Sheema Bose
Publisher: Promilla & Co, Publishers, New Delhi
(Pp 151, ISBN 978 93 82337 21 8, Rs 250)

In this book, the author considers the various ways in which some modern Indian thinkers have reacted to the issue of what we should tolerate and what we should not tolerate. Some viewpoints seem to bypass the issue. Historical circumstances, philosophical frameworks, and sometimes religious affiliations, have featured in the discussions. There is no doubt that the subject has crucial importance of the world today. Researchers in Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Gandhian studies and Dalit studies will find the book insightful.

Law, Ethics and the Media

(Third edition)
Author: Sebastian Paul Publisher: LexisNexis, Gurgaon
(Pp 232, ISBN 978-93- 5143-386-6, Rs 400)

The book examines the role of the Council along with judicial pronouncements that enlarged and at times restricted the freedom of the press. The author with his varied experience as a lawyer, legislator and journalist is treading the whole gamut with a historical perspective and futuristic vision. From the heroism attributed to James Augustus Hicky to the infamy attached with the Nira Radia tapes, the history of Indian journalism presents a kaleidoscopic diversity.

Written in a lively and accessible style, this work captures the interplay between the press, on one hand, and the legislature, judiciary, executive, society and the individual, on the other. In the age of convergence where social media and legacy media are competing for dominance over each other, this work will serve a useful purpose by upholding certain immutable principles which are common.

Happiness Unlimited (Awakening with Brahma Kumaries)

Sister Shivani in conversation with Suresh Oberoi
Publisher: Third Eye (An imprint of Pentagon Press), New Delhi
(Pp 174, ISBN 978 81 8274 826 2, Rs 195)

Based on the popular international TV show ‘Awakening with Brahma Kumaries’, the book focuses on the process which reveals the perceptions and strong beliefs which influence our thoughts and feelings and takes us on a journey of self-transformation. The book says happiness is only possible when we are able to accept everyone as they are, at every moment, in every situation. That means an end to judging or resisting others, an end to complaining and blaming, an end to criticising and controlling and an end to competing with anyone.

Correction: In our Aug/ Sep issue on page 44, the above publisher’s name was erroneously printed. It should be read as Third Eye (An imprint of Pentagon Press), New Delhi.

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