The Arithmetic of Breasts and Other Stories


Author: Rochelle Potkar
Publisher: 20 Notebooks Press
(Pp 116, ISBN 978-93-51-749004, Rs 200)

First look at the book will give you a feeling of it being an erotic fiction but once you get down to read the book, you will be immersed in it sensibilities and sensitivities. There are nine stories in total – where seven stories are complete while two stories are left to the imagination of the readers.

Each story, though has lust as an integral element, has a deeper meaning. Readers can find romance, love, happiness and sadness in these stories.

Some of the characters in the stories seem so real… that you feel you know them. The language and the choice of words are apt, taking you deep into the essence of the storyline. It is human nature – needs becoming wants and emotions leading to complexities. But life does not run on these alone…there’s a deeper meaning to life and one cannot ignore it. Sooner or later, one realises it and gives a new dimension to one’s life.

All in all, it is an excellent read…especially for married people…as it gives an insight into the minds of men and women.

– Varsha Verma

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