British Library and Library of Birmingham announce partnership for 2016


A new partnership has been announced recently between the British Library and the Library of Birmingham. The two libraries will work together in 2016 on a cultural collaboration, including a special project around the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. Bringing together the unique collections and expertise of both institutions, the partnership will test a new way of working between the British Library and public libraries in the UK. The 12-month project will be funded by the British Library Trust.

The new partnership builds on an existing collaboration between the two libraries, offering support and advice services for small businesses and entrepreneurs through the Library of Birmingham’s Business & IP Centre. The Centre, which launched in July 2014, is part of a growing network of facilities in city libraries coordinated by the British Library, whose own Business & IP Centre opened in London in 2006. and DS Publishers will also be exhibiting at the show.

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