Simi’s Mum’s Diary: The Daughter of All Battles


Author: Rupa Gulab
Publisher: Amaryllis, (An Imprint of Manjul Publishing House Pvt Ltd), New Delhi,
(Pp 201, ISBN 978 93 81506 58 5, Rs 175)

Simi’s Mum’s Diary: T h e Daughter of All Battles is the story of a mother dealing with her rebellious daughter. Simi is a girl who is smart but sassy, stubborn, sulky and selfish . The mother thinks tha th er child’ s uncontrollable behaviour is due to her teen age. She sees her going through various phases of life – falling in love, breaking up, graduating, getting a job, falling in love again and breaks up again until finding a true love and settling down as an adult.

The book is funny but gives you a right picture of the life of a mother. Sometimes, you actually feel that you have done the same thing when you were young. Most importantly, it shows that your family stands by you in thick and thin. An interesting insight into what goes in the mind of a mother when the child behaves absurd.

–Shailendra Kumar

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