Stellar Signs


Author: Manjiri Prabhu,
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House
Mumbai (Pp 315, ISBN 978-91-8495-441-8, Rs 325)

This book is a part of an Astro-detective series, where a female detective – Sonia Samarth- solves cases with the help of astrology. The name of her agency is apt – Stellar Investigation Detective Agency. Various cases are weaved in the book, with doses of humour here and there. It is an interesting novel which compels you to read it from cover to cover.

All the characters are well-sketched and an aura of suspense is maintained effectively. The style of writing is simple, yet alluring. Even though solving cases through astrology may not go down well with few readers, but they are sure to be hooked to the book as the author succeeds in striking the right balance between the logical and surreal and mysterious.

–Varsha Verma

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