Mohan Law House: spreading the core of civilised world


Laws lead life, giving wisdom to live. They are the core of civilization, essential to make humans civilized. Every civilization seeks its triumph by following the rule of Law. Dynasties and governments rule by this. And books are the basis to spread laws and make them a doctrine. Laws are simple truths, punctuated by vision and wisdom. They streamline the otherwise unpredictable way of life, thereby making it more meaningful. Laws of a land ensure dignity, humanity and privacy to every individual citizen. In a way, laws are the manuscript of human behaviour and essay of their lives. To realize this, proper information and authentic resource base is essential. This possibility unfolds only in a Law book- well documented, academically sound and practically available. So, the reality is that to enlighten the whole human race to lead a civic life, books are the basis. Books reflect the decisions, experiences and insight of the human race since ages. Specifically, Law books contain the moral and religious values which transcend time and space and therefore have universal application. But this wisdom of justice is meaningful only when it is available globally. Mohan Law House is serving this purpose, every day, in every part of the world.

Biggest collection of law books…

Mohan Law House (MLH) has the large collection of reference material available in the field of law. They are one of the largest distributors, importer publisher (Indian Reprints Books & Sets) and retailer of law books, major sets and online products in India. They are privileged to be the company partner to INFLIBNET consortia by UGC.

MLH is the premier hub for all kinds of legal requirement—from a small legal document to complex legal issues. They are veteran consultants and a great resource of law books to most of the Judges Libraries, Judicial Academy, all National Law Universities and eminent lawyers in the country and outside India. They store all types of legal books from leading publishers of the world and prestigious institutions.

Quality – always prime

Mohan Law House puts efforts and expertise in procuring, synthesising and producing law topics, issues, commentaries from international perspective to enrich the field of law consistently. Being an ISO 2001 certified company MLH meets standards of accountability, integrity and authenticity. It is a renowned one-stop-solution for all legal literature, academic matter, modifications, amendments, judgements, opinions and practical application. It also becomes a new source because of the rapid update of law articles corresponding to the new developments in the field.


Spreading their wings, they have now centres in the major pulsating cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore catering to the new and old generations of law lovers. Besides, they have made it a point that every query of law is readily available from every corner of the world at the click of a button. MLH collects knowledge disseminated around the globe and makes it available to their clients.

Best minds…

The journey of MLH was started by legend Mohan Ahuja in 1977 and has been taken forward with a giant leap by his son Vinay Ahuja. A remarkable man, endowed with a prodigious sense of justice and blessed with determination to gift humanity the fruits of legal knowledge, he has achieved an extraordinary feat. Driven by ethics and integrity, MLH has taken the responsibility of bringing global wisdom in the field of law under one roof, a step that will change the course of all those who are seeking justice. He has also placed the legal wisdom of MLH to global horizons as India has positioned itself among the pioneers on the world map. In a way, MLH is now rewriting the Future of Law, a future where global intellectuals and visionaries share important facets of law to deliver justice to every citizen across nations.

The truth is that the vastness of knowledge and depth of content has amazingly turned MLH into a treasure trove. For the law lovers, it is the Wikipedia of Law- Lawpedia, in itself.

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