Indian Content Going Global
FICCI with BolognaBookPlus organised a seminar and launched the FICCI’s Rights Catalogue during the Bologna Children’s Book Fair (6-9th March 2023). The panel discussed – Indian Content Going Global. This was moderated by Sumeet Gupta-Assistant Secretary GeneralFICCI, the speakers were Ajay Mago -Publisher Om Books international, Mudit Mohini- Director Vishv Books, Prashant Pathak- Publisher Wonder House Books and RichaJha -Founder and Publisher Pickle York Books.
The panel discussed- global trends, opportunities, genres, strategies to reach the audience, challenges, role of technology to make Indian content available globally. In terms of global trends Richa Jha felt that picture books and biographies were doing well. She mentioned that is an opportunity to reach out to young readers with content that enriches their mind in many ways and explore new topics which lead to enhancement of their imaginations and understanding. Ajay Mago felt that their list was strong in mythology, books on activity, science, geography, he further added there is tremendous room for growth and felt that big publishers are venturing into the children book space. Mudit Mohinisaid the current trends are on inclusivity of content, mythology being a highlight again. She feltthat opportunities were on early learning, picture-based books, and fiction books which are based on feelings and family skills for children. The non-fiction books for children of the age between7 and 14 which are trending are based on environmental themes.
Ajay highlighted his experience of reaching out to the readers with all avenues, he shared that their current sales were 60 % from online and 40 % via book stores. Their focus is to try and get more online space currently. And said it was very important to represent themselves in various festivals and to be seen in the market. He further said that they have been very active for the last 20 years in the International Markets and, to need result one has to be patient for the business to grow. For Om Books their sales online post pandemic have increased. They also have a distributor for the US market.
On Challenges Prashant Pathak felt that in many areas India is seen as a service provider, to this Mudit added that one needs to break the taboo of being an Indian publisher. The panel felt that technology is playing a very important role, they shared that audio books are on the boom and technology has led to books being transformed so that it enables a very immersive, cinematic and therapeutic feel for the reader. Prashant emphasised that content should be made available in all formats and to reach international markets they preferred the co-publishing route.
Shares Sumeet Gupta -Indian books have found an audience all over the world. With the advent of digital platforms, readers can access content from India and vice versa. Indian books are being translated into multiple languages and sold all over the world. This has resulted in Indian authors receiving international recognition. Many Indian books are now topping the charts in various countries, providing unique insight and perspective to readers across the globe. The success of Indian books also highlights the potential of the nation’s literature, which is rapidly gaining global recognition.Together they all agreed Indian content is definitely on the rise.
FICCI – BolognaBookPlus Rights Catalogue of Indian Writing included titles from the following genres:
- Fiction
- Non-Fiction
- Literary/research work, including poetry, short story, novella
- Publications under humanities and social sciences
- Children / Young Adult Writings
- Illustrated books/ Graphics novels
- Others
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